
Frolic Like the Animals

「Frolic Like the Animals」 painting and sculpture

会期:2014年7月4日(金)ー 7月13日(日) 9日水曜休廊
オープニングパーティ 5日(土)16:30ー
会場:ギャラリーみるめ 〒182-0024 東京都調布市布田 2-32-8 TEL:042-488-2120

内山総一郎は1981年長野県生まれ。幼少期から、高校までを富士山の麓の小さな森に囲まれた場所で過ごしました。現在、都内で幼児を対象とした造形表現を教えています。今回の展覧会「Frolic Like the Animals」はそんな幼少期の体験や現在の仕事がきっかけとなっています。森で感じた何かの影や足音。やがて、日が落ち、やってくる闇の存在感。動物になりきることで、自身もその一部となって、自由に遊び回ることができます。粘土を着彩した動物の立体と、それに変身した子どもの姿を油彩で描き、展示します。

Born in Nagano prefecture in 1981, Soichiro Uchiyama currently lives and works in Tokyo teaching art to children.  Frolic Like the Animals showcase new works that reflect the artist’s influence from both his childhood past and his present experiences in teaching.  Based on his own inspiration as a child spending vast amount of time in woods at the foot of Mt. Fuji, these works explore children’s playful and imaginative capacity when confronting with nature.  The imageries feature children situated in an inventive realm of woods where shadows and sounds gradually come to life after dusk.  The boundaries that used to separate reality from fantasy dissolves, and children eventually become part of their own imagination where they frolic freely throughout the woods.

Uchiyama showcases his works in various venues annually, and this will be his first solo exhibition at Gallery Mirume.  We kindly invite you to come visit the Frolic Like the Animalsexhibition and view Uchiyama’s latest works.

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